Mindfulness Meditation Class
with Christian Hartman

March 21 (Sunday)
at 10:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

Amelia Studio

Mindfulness Meditation on based in the Buddhist practice of observation of the breath & the body. We begin by practicing awareness of the breath and physical body and move closer to noticing thoughts and emotions as they arise. Experience what neuroscientists have discovered and what many yogis have known for years: a regular meditation practice actually changes the structures of the brain that relate to stress. No prior yoga or meditation experience is necessary. This class is Meditation based - not exercise yoga, no postures or special clothing required. During this class you can choose to sit freely or up against the wall, lay in Savasana or position yourself in any pose you find comfortable during the meditation. One of the most difficult things we can do in life is to be fully awake and fully present. Mindfulness is the practice of being aware and awake to the present moment.